Dlive Firmware 1.6 |
dLive’s new advanced AMM can handle up to 64 microphones, with the facility to assign mics to 4 different AMM configurations when running multiple conference rooms or panel discussions. The system offers two distinct AMM modes: classic gain sharing and a Number of Open Mics (NOM) algorithm. Multi-Surface capability with gain tracking allows up to four independent dLive Surfaces to control a single MixRack, opening new possibilities for installed and touring systems, including FoH / Monitor splits, sidecar mixing and Surface redundancy. V1.6 also adds support for the recently launched range of dLive hardware for installed sound, including the ultra-compact DM0 MixRack, GPIO interface, IP1 wallplate controller and new DX expanders, hubs and modules for flexible I/O distribution. The new firmware also enables Internet access to dLive systems for remote control and diagnostics. |
La voilà ,
la version majeure 1.6 du firmware de la DLive .
Le partage des preampli avec la compensation de gain en multi partage , l'auto mix , de nouveaux plugins de préampli à lampe, et compresseur
"We have been working with A&H modelling classics from Sawmills stock, measuring differences and relevance for live use,” comments John Cornfield, engineer at Sawmills (Muse, Supergrass, The Verve, Oasis). “I think the results are astounding – 16VU is an excellent rendition, Opto captures both the rough and smooth of optical compression, and 76 peak limiter is a faithful model of two particularly pleasant units, one old, one new."
John Cornfield,
La voilà ,
la version majeure 1.4 du firmware de la DLive .
Attendue depuis 2 mois , l 'attente était vraiment méritée tant le R&D de Allen & Heath a travaillè dur , pour produire encore plus de puissance à cette console .
Nulle doute , vous commencez déjà à en entendre parler , et c'est pas fini ............
Good JOB